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Our Story

Where do all of these gummies come from?

Most of the gummies we make we white label for brand names and no one knows about us except them. But when our product misses the mark for their pretty little jars we don't want to throw it away!


We would rather someone benefit from it. People like you, who care more about results than how groovy the package looks. After all, you pay for that fancy packaging. But not here. We keep it simple.


Do you want results? We have a product. Some of these gummies may not look the best, but they work the same. Save some money and buy bulk, buy generic gummy!


Gummies Made From Hemp

We had hemp. A lot of it. Like everyone else who got into hemp early we invested in a lot of hemp. Making CBD Isolate, selling it for a profit. Paying back investors. The classic "Green Rush" story. 


Then CBD isolate prices tanked. Supply chains were heavy, demand was low. We heard a lot of people wanted CBD, we couldn't find them. 


So, what do you do with all of this isolate that is just sitting there? Make gummies! Sure, there is more to making gummies than having isolate. It was a learning process. Sometimes gummies look great, sometimes they look like jello.


But the potency is still the same. So why not sell those? Why dispose of a product because it doesn't look "Perfect"? Especially when you plan on eating it for less than 10 seconds before you swallow it! So it is a little more gooey than normal? Why discriminate against the elephant man of gummies? They want to be eaten too, just like the Heathers of gummies!


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